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Similarities of Peter and Paul in ACTS

Similarities of Peter and Paul in ACTS

It is remarkable how perfectly some major events parallel between Peter and Paul.
(I'm pretty certain it's by divine design.)

The book of Acts revolves primarily around 2 apostles, Peter and Paul. One could divide the book of Acts as follows. Chapters 1-12 focus on Peter as the main apostle to the Jews, and chapters 13-28 focus on Paul as the apostle to the Gentiles. If you read the book of Acts from start to finish, without taking note of the exploits of these two men, you will certainly miss the incredible similarities that occurred across the timespan of their ministries.

Many people might chalk this up to coincidence, but for me, I know God's hand is upon it. As a matter of fact, I can imagine how God thought it would be good to even out the tally between Peter, during the law program, and Paul, during the grace program, because the competitive nature of some people might weigh up the tally in the performance of these two men and choose to adhere to the one who won the tally. Who knows? I'm just playing around with thoughts, but it doesn't take away the fact that it is remarkable how perfectly some major events parallel between them.

Have a look at this well designed chart comparing events that are similar between Peter and Paul.

Click image to enlarge

Additional Events from Paul:
Besides Bar-Jesus, Paul also delivered a woman from a spirit of divination in Acts 16:18
A snake bit Paul and he shook it off into the fire, but suffered no harm. Acts 28:5
Paul heals man afflicted with recurrent fever and dysentery, and many others in Malta. Acts 28:8-9


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