The Stages of Christ's Ascension and Return (Part 11)
The Stages of Christ's Ascension and Return (Part 11) Having looked at what the trumpet represented in part 10 , let's put our focus on the other phrases connected to this stage of Christ's return, —the stage where He appears in the clouds at the end of the Tribulation. In a twinkling of an eye 1 Thess.4:16 refers to 'the voice of the archangel' , and 1 Cor.15:52 mentions 'in the twinkling of an eye' . Unlike the phrases, 'with a shout' and 'in a moment' , that are connected to the imminent rapture of the Body of Christ, the next set of phrases in our key verses represent descriptions for the 2nd Coming of Christ at the end of the Tribulation. Let's dig into these phrases and find out what exactly they mean in the context of Christ's return. With regard to the phrase, "In the twinkling of an eye" , the following is taken from the Strongs Lexicon, Strongs Greek 4493: "In the twinkling of an eye" - ῥιπή rhip...