The Difference between Ye and You
The Difference between Ye and You Unlike some other languages, modern English employs the words "you" and "your" as both singular and plural forms of the second person pronoun. This can make the use of the pronoun "you" confusing. Is it singular, or is it plural? Modern English speakers often use clarifying phrases such as "you two," "you people," "all of you," or "you all" when they mean "you" in the plural rather than the singular. Both the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Koine Greek of the New Testament maintain the distinction between the singular and plural forms of "you" that have been lost in modern English. This presents a problem in modern English translations, whereas in Old English, the distinctions were clear. The uses of "you", "ye", "thou", and "thee", in the King James Bible, are not arbitrary choices. They...