
Showing posts with the label knowledge

News and Announcements

📌 Introducing: 'The Big Picture (Ask)', where I answer questions that people often find confusing or contradictory, if not understood, and answered, in a dispensational way.
🎬 Bible Study on YouTube: Latest video on YouTube here.


Limit your Exposure to Worldly Wisdom

Limit your Exposure to Worldly Wisdom Avoid overexposure with too many sources. The Bible is our only true source. There is nothing wrong with Bible study, even intense study, in order to really get to the fullness of a topic and extract everything of value from it. However, as with anything, you have to stay in balance , not only with your time and energy, but also with the materials that you use during you research and the places you go to in order to collect that data. The Bible foretells in Daniel , that in the last days, "knowledge will increase" (Dan.12:4) . I believe this 'knowledge' will be the vast resources like the internet, books, and videos at our disposal. We can collect vast arrays of material from multiple sources quickly and easily today, but the more material you have