How the Gospels Transitioned through ACTS (Part 3)
How the Gospels Transitioned through ACTS (Part 3 --- The Gospel of the Kingdom) Where do we find the Kingdom Gospel? The gospel of the Kingdom of God (or the Kingdom of Heaven, which can be understood as the gospel of the Kingdom which is from heaven ), is proclaimed by different individuals throughout the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The message proclaimed in this Kingdom gospel is unique to these four books and to the period of time from John the Baptist to the cross of Christ. The four gospel books provide different accounts of Jesus life and ministry from the perspective of prophecy and the manifestations of God's character traits ( Ezek.1:10 ). Matthew presents the kingship of Christ in the face of the lion . This is why only Matthew mentions, "the Kingdom of Heaven" in his writings, portraying the gospel as the good news that the King, which is from heaven, has come to set up His Kingdom. Matthew 4...