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📌 Introducing: 'The Big Picture (Ask)', where I answer questions that people often find confusing or contradictory, if not understood, and answered, in a dispensational way.
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How the Gospels Transitioned through ACTS (Part 3)

How the Gospels Transitioned through ACTS (Part 3 --- The Gospel of the Kingdom) Where do we find the Kingdom Gospel? The gospel of the Kingdom of God (or the Kingdom of Heaven, which can be understood as the gospel of the Kingdom which is from heaven ), is proclaimed by different individuals throughout the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The message proclaimed in this Kingdom gospel is unique to these four books and to the period of time from John the Baptist to the cross of Christ.  The four gospel books provide different accounts of Jesus life and ministry from the perspective of prophecy and the manifestations of God's character traits ( Ezek.1:10 ). Matthew presents the kingship of Christ in the face of the lion . This is why only Matthew mentions, "the Kingdom of Heaven" in his writings, portraying the gospel as the good news that the King, which is from heaven, has come to set up His Kingdom. Matthew 4...

How the Gospels Transitioned through ACTS (Part 2)

How the Gospels Transitioned through ACTS (Part 2 --- Clearing up the gospel confusion ) Browse around on the internet and you will find that everyone has a different view on the gospel. It is so sad to say, but there is such confusion regarding the gospel today. The gospel is the message that has the power to save us, but if everyone has their own views and interpretations, WHO IS RIGHT? Some argue if there is one gospel or many. Others cannot agree on what the gospel message is. Still others battle to understand how Paul fits into the picture and if his gospel is different, since he claims it to be, "my gospel" in  Romans 2:16, Romans 16:25 , and 2 Timothy 2:8 . So, how do we get to the truth?  ——which we ALL KNOW is in the Bible; being God's infallible truth and the only valid reference we have!!!   This million dollar question is not difficult to answer! Think of it! There is only one answer! The confusion comes because everyone has their own opinions and th...

How the Gospels Transitioned through ACTS

How the Gospels Transitioned through ACTS (Part 1 ---  Introduction ) The transition period of Acts is a very intricate period, and one that can be expounded on in many different ways. One of the ways, to gain deeper insights into the transition period of Acts, is by studying the content of the gospels, and matching their differences up to the audiences who heard and responded to them. This study is going to delve into these topics to hopefully bring some meaningful insights to the transition period of Acts, and provide greater clarity regarding the different gospel messages and the people who were affected by them. Before we get into the details of four gospels, lets focus on what we know about the way of life before, and after, the gospel transition period. This will help us better understand the impact and conditions of the gospels and how they would affect the lives of those who lived during, and after this transition, which also includes you and ...

Understanding and Interpreting the Bible (Part 5B)

Understanding and Interpreting the Bible (Part 5B ---  Dividing the PROGRAMS ) In our last post, Part 5A , we took a high level look at the two programs, simply discussing what they are and how they are different. I'd like to wrap up this series of lessons on "Understanding and Interpreting the Bible", by confirming the scriptural proof of the divisions n the programs of Israel and the Body of Christ. As a reminder, the below picture illustrates that we have two main parts to God's overarching redemption plan. The realms of earth and heaven, physical and spiritual. Within each of these realms, we have a people group (or agency). Earth will be inherited to Israel, and heaven will be filled with the Body of Christ. We covered these details in depth in previous posts. To clarify the 'program' portions of the image below, I can describe it as follows. The programs are the actionable components of the two divided parts. They portray the 'modus operandi...

Why The Stage Is Set For The End Times

An article worth reposting to get people's attention. Why The Stage Is Set For The End Times other time has seemed as close to the end times as right now. Why do I say this? Because, particularly in the past year, the geopolitical and economic stage has been set for the fulfillment of several end times prophecies. We now have several potential crises on the horizon. And those potential crises are the same ones the Bible says we’ll experience either in the Tribulation or the days immediately preceding the Tribulation.  Below are just a few:  The Gog of Magog War, Global War Prospects, The Rising Mark of the Beast System, The Days of Noah and Lot, The Convergence of Signs….  See the full article here.

Understanding and Interpreting the Bible (Part 5A)

Understanding and Interpreting the Bible (Part 5A ---  Dividing the PROGRAMS ) Up to this point, we have looked at what it means to divide the REALMS and the AGENCIES . Let's place our attention on dividing the PROGRAMS within these two agencies. I'll start with a high level overview of the programs within these two groups. Firstly, what is " programs "? I use this work to describe how each of the agencies (people groups) function. You could describe it as the operations, or procedures, or processes, or actions, that define the people group. In essence it is how you identify them. It is their "Modus Operandi". Let's start with the agency of Israel. Please enlarge the following image and study its content. I'll discuss this image and clarify it's content. The image above illustrates the realm of Earth. As discusses in previous posts in this series, this realm is a physical and visible realm. God operates within this realm by physical manifes...

Must I Audibly Confess "Jesus Is Lord" To Be Saved?

What About Romans 10:9-10? Must I Audibly Confess "Jesus Is Lord" To Be Saved? I have had this question asked to me many times within my circle of influence, indicating that there is a lot of misunderstanding around what the 'confession of Jesus with the mouth' means. The key to understanding this passage is to read it in context and to know who the target audience was that Paul was writing to. This article will clarify the context, but as for the target audience, that is easily cleared up by simple going to the first verse in this tenth chapter of Romans. It reads the following, Rom.10:1 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. So, we know that Paul is addressing Jews and that the context will thus be according to their customs and beliefs.  Shawn provides a much more detailed explanation of this question on his website  here , but this excerpt of his article below gives an excellent summary explanati...