Why Mid-ACTS? (Part 1)
The Journey Begins (Part 1) I've been fortunate to grow up in a Christian home, and throughout my many years as a Christian I've been exposed to several different denominational churches; from Methodist to Full Gospel, then Pentecostal, leading into the Charismatic and eventually Baptist, with some minor exposure to more traditional churches throughout this lengthy journey. Looking back on this time, it's sad to say that only the last four years, from the writing of this article, have I come to learn of dispensationalism and the process of rightly dividing the Word of truth. I was not introduced to dispensationalism by anyone but discovered it via various sources after events in my life brought me to evaluate things in my life, to seek for change, for something deeper than I presently had. I needed to inject something new into my current situation. It is this need that led me back to the Bible, looking for some truth, some revelation, something deeper that could spark life ...