
News and Announcements

📌 Introducing: 'The Big Picture (Ask)', where I answer questions that people often find confusing or contradictory, if not understood, and answered, in a dispensational way.
🎬 Bible Study on YouTube: Latest video on YouTube here.


Why Mid-ACTS? (Part 1)

The Journey Begins (Part 1) I've been fortunate to grow up in a Christian home, and throughout my many years as a Christian I've been exposed to several different denominational churches; from Methodist to Full Gospel, then Pentecostal, leading into the Charismatic and eventually Baptist, with some minor exposure to more traditional churches throughout this lengthy journey. Looking back on this time, it's sad to say that only the last four years, from the writing of this article, have I come to learn of dispensationalism and the process of rightly dividing the Word of truth. I was not introduced to dispensationalism by anyone but discovered it via various sources after events in my life brought me to evaluate things in my life, to seek for change, for something deeper than I presently had. I needed to inject something new into my current situation. It is this need that led me back to the Bible, looking for some truth, some revelation, something deeper that could spark life ...

All Things Work Together (20201216)

All Things Work Together “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). From John Newton’s Letters September 28, 1774 My dear friend, Certainly, if my ability was equal to my inclination – I would remove your tumor with a word or a touch – I would exempt you instantly and constantly from every inconvenience and pain! But you are in the hands of One who could do all this and more, and who loves you infinitely better than I can do – and yet He is pleased to permit you to suffer. What is the plain lesson? Certainly, that at the present juncture, He, to Whom all events and their consequences are present in one view – sees it better for you to have this tumor than to be without it. There is a cause, a need-be for it. The promise is express, and literally true – that “all things,” universally and without exception, shall work together for good … The smallest as w...

Q-A: How to Live by Liberty

Q-A: How to Live by the Liberty * of Love and Personal Conviction * (personal actions being directed by love or conviction) Do you really understand what it means to 'walk in the Spirit'? Is the concept of walking in the Spirit clear and meaningful, or is it vague and elusive? I'd like to write this short article to either confirm or clarify this topic for you. I trust it will bless you. One can draw from many of Paul's passages to learn about spiritual living, but Romans.14 is one of my favourites, and the chapter that really opened my eyes to what it means to walk in the Spirit . Let's look at some focused verses [with my own added commentary] from this chapter to bring you to a simple, yet clear understanding. For some context, please note that Paul is writing regarding eating meat offered to idols. This was a contentious issue in the early church because the church at Rome was made up of both Jew and Gentile converts...

OBS: God's Word is a Progressive Plan (Part.6.2)

OBS: God's Word is a Progressive Plan (Part.6.2) This is  Part 6  of the Series Click here for the previous lesson:  Part 6.1 The Meaning of 'Not under Law' in the Grace Dispensation It is easy to understand what LAW meant in the Old Testament and in the four Gospels. The law in question was the 'Mosaic Law' and there was no dispute that it was active at this time and it was required to obey it and adhere to it as a way of life. The following (taken from 100's of available scriptures) attest to this fact, Deuteronomy 6:1 "Now this is the commandment , and these are the statutes and judgments which the Lord your God has commanded to teach you, that you may observe them in the land which you are crossing over to possess, ... 6 "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, ... Joshua 1:8 T his Book of the Law shall not depart from ...

OBS: God's Word is a Progressive Plan (Part.6.1)

OBS: God's Word is a Progressive Plan (Part.6.1) This is  Part 6  of the Series Click here for the previous lesson:  Part 5.2 (Point #2) The Meaning of Water Baptism in the Law and Grace Dispensations Water baptism is a widely disputed subject in churches today and disputes can range from it not being necessary to it being an absolute requirement for salvation. Furthermore, if it is practiced, how must it be done and in what name must it be committed. Churches have been split based on peoples beliefs and so much confusion still exists regarding this subject, simply because many misunderstand the topic and do not rightly divide the truth to bring it into context and clarity. In this post I'm not going to deep dive into a study on water baptism, but I do want to compare what it means between the law and grace dispensations and bring you to an understanding of what THE BIBLE SAYS about it and not what men's traditions say about it...

Q-A: Should Christians uphold the Sabbath?

Q-A: Should Christians uphold the Sabbath? This question has been asked in the past, and as a spin-off from the content in this video regarding what 'Law' means in the Grace Dispensation , I thought I'd add it to the Q&A section of this site. In Exodus 20:8-11 , the bible defines the Sabbath law, that it was an absolutely required ordinance to keep. As a matter of fact, it carried the death penalty for anyone who broke this law. In Numbers 15:32-36 we encounter someone picking up sticks on the Sabbath and even this simple or mundane task incurred the fateful sentence. This law (as with all the other Mosaic laws) would remain in force throughout the Old Testament, into the Gospels, and even into Acts. It was only suspended after the Jerusalem Council Meeting in Acts 15 where Paul's grace gospel became the only valid gospel from that time on. Paul emphatically taught in Romans 6:14 that we are not under the law, but under grace, so this Sabbath law, as ...

Announcement 20201210

📣 - - - - - Announcement - - - - - 📣 Two more videos have been added to our video page (and YouTube Channel ). These two videos deal with some very sensitive topics in church circles today; Water Baptism and The Law . The videos do not delve deeply into these two topics, but they investigate what each topic meant in the Law Dispensation and what it means now during today's dispensation of Grace. They are VERY revealing and I encourage you to make some time to listen to them. The videos in reference are, 🎬  God's Word is a Progressive Plan (Part.6.1)   🎬  God's Word is a Progressive Plan (Part.6.2) Enjoy...